Tag: wordpress
Migrate WordPress to Drupal
As I discovered that my web server has been getting too many xmlrpc.php requests. It is about time that I need to take action to tighten the security of my site. Most of the leading hosting providers recommend to disable call to xmlrpc.php file. I have decided to: In this article, I will share the…
Running WordPress on a Android phone
In this article, we will show how to run WordPress in an android phone. Prerequisites Termux Termux is terminal emulator and Linux environment apps which runs on Android phone. It combines powerful terminal emulation with an extensive Linux package collection. Download it from Play Store and install in your phone. Update and install packages Use…
Update WordPress without FTP
This is a common issue whereby the WordPress system can not write to /wp-content folder directly. Solution To solve this issue you need to define the FTP details in the wp-config.php file so WordPress will remember it.Alternatively, you may also provide WordPress with write access to the /wp-content folder by accessing the FTP root fileand…